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The Blueprint Podcast

Jan 26, 2021

There are some people you know who when they say they are going to do something; you know they are going to do it!

Whilst others have the best intention, talk a good game but never actually get anything out the door.

Why is this?

Within this open form, conversation-based discussion established high performers...

Jan 19, 2021

On Property Entrepreneur we spend the 3 months of autumn every year crafting our commercial strategies and personal objectives.
Within this we each define what the 12 months ahead will be our ‘Year Of’ and it is this alone that defines the life we live, the chapter we write and the experiences we enjoy through 2021...

Jan 12, 2021

Success and Failure are both very predictable yet in a time of instant fixes, artificial stimulus and dopamine decoys the odds are stacked unfavourably and unless you do something, regrettably you do not stand a chance.

That said, we are all cursed by the same distractions and whilst some get sucked in by these,...

Jan 4, 2021

2021 Economy & Market Predictions 2021

Feel free to share this one with your friends...

1. Lockdown

2. The Economy

3. Property Market

4. Finance

5. Strategies

6. My Approach

7. Top Tips

Success and failure are both very...